• Used Technologies: ASP.NET Web API, Entity Framework, React, Material UI, Redux Toolkit
• Movie web-site using ASP.NET Web API as backend and React as frontend
• Code first migration and n-tier architecture
• Movie review can be made by authenticated users
• Filtering movies by name, IMDB rating, user rating, category and release date.
• New movies can be added by admin using a third part movies API.
• Responsive design
Digital Controller for Coal Burner
• Used Technologies: Arduino, PIC 16F877A, Digital and Analog System Design
• Turning the analog controller of the existing coal based burner used in house heating system to a digital controller.
• Namely first Arduino then PIC 16F877a for cheaper production.
• User friendly interface on LCD screen
• Easy time management
Radar Target Simulator
• Used Technologies: VHDL, MATLAB, CANBUS, Mixer, Low-Noise Amplifier
• Deceiving the radar on a mounted car as if there is a car in front of it to test the radar without using balloon targets.
• By multiplying the incoming radar signal with the calculated frequencies and sending the signal back via the antenna, the shifted version of the radar signal is generated, causing a speed difference for the radar to interpret as a moving object.
• Used Technologies: ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, JQuery, MSSQL, Bootstrap
• N-tier architecture
• Entity Framework Code First Approach
• Filtering, sorting and purchasing functions for customers
• Admin page design in Bootstrap
• Listing the orders and filtering function
• Product update, removal, addition and categorization
Food Dispenser for Dogs
• Used Technologies: Arduino, GSM Shield, Stepper Motor, Distance Sensor
• Food dispenser for dogs with activation by SMS or given schedule.
Ping Pong Game
• Used Technologies: FPGA, VHDL, VGA
• 2D Ping-Pong game for a single player inside square boundaries with each hit to the user board fastening the ball.